Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Something Awesome

UW Economics Society presents something awesome (via YouTube and GOOD Magazine)

I know University of Waterloo students need a mind-break!

In a time where there's a free flow of information why is education so static?  For me, this video answers some of those questions.  The next level of awesome this video brings is how it references collaboration.  That very word is in our mandate, coincidence?  I can see words from the future...

The video suggests we could become more motivated to learn by using video games (not something new).  I personally want more games in classrooms but not Angry Birds.  The physicists would have you fooled, you learn nothing in that game!  The best part of the entire video, however, is when Dr. Sugata Mitra asks if math will become a sport. Haha!  There are many good ideas in this video and you might want to keep it in mind while sitting in class.  Are you learning?  Are you motivated to do so?