social us

You can contact the UW Economics Society directly at or through a variety of social media platforms.  We have a web presence on three platforms -- follow, like and circle us!  Each platform offers a different method and level of engagement so let us know how we are doing!

on twitter
The best platform for asking us questions!  We will also be tweeting useful articles, published data sets and interesting news found around the web.  We are also curating a list of economics that you might also find useful.  Follow us on Twitter!

on facebook
UW Economics Society Page
UW Economics Society Group
This is where you will find links back to our blog as well as event announcements.  This will also be the place where we upload all our event photos.  Like us on Facebook!

on google+
UW Economics Society Google+ Page
This page will mostly link back to our blog but we will be more active in answering questions here in real time during our live help sessions (at some point in the future).  We are exploring the possibility of hangouts!  Circle us on Google+!