Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Sharing our Loonie

A while back there was some talk about Iceland adopting the Loonie.  I read an article on The Economist declaring that few barriers exist for Iceland adopting the Loonie.  Also for the most part, Icelanders were split down the middle between adopting the Euro vs the Loonie.

There is a link back to the University of Waterloo here!  Robert Mundell, famous for the Mundell-Fleming Model we learn in ECON 202, won a Nobel prize for his work on Optimal Currency Areas.  How is this a connection?  He taught here! 


How can one country just adopt our Loonie?  What does this mean for Canada?  Where would we find more information about this?  A great place to start is ECON 231. Ah HA! You thought this article would be enlightening but you were wrong!

I have taken ECON 231 with Prof Bloemhof and I enjoyed it.  It's a bit different than the courses we are used to as university students but experiencing something different, new and exciting can't be all bad, right?  If you want more of the regular flavour I have spoken with Prof Blit and he seems like a cool guy.

So if you are interested in Trade Theory and International Economics ECON 231 is offered every term!
