Early bird price:
$7 for a single day pass
$15 for a three day pass
Regular ticket price:
$9 for a single day pass
$20 for a three day pass
March 18: Policy & Econometrics
March 19: Banking & Finance
March 20: Entrepreneurship & Marketing
Have you ever wondered how you can use your undergraduate degree when you search for a job? While doing an Econometric assignment, do you wonder if you will ever use that knowledge evenafter the course is over?
Your questions can be answered at eCon 2014: What's Next.
UW Economics Society is hosting a conference for UW students regardless of your faculty or major. Come out to hear from the current professionals about how they used their undergraduate degree to land with their current career. The details like what their daily tasks are, how they make use of the knowledge and skills from their undergraduate studies, and the first-hand experience of the transition from the academic world to the career world.
Our UW Economics professors will show you how the courses are directly related to these careers.
Each industry (Econometrics, Policy, Finance, Banking, Entrepreneurship, Marketing) will be represented by 2 to 3 speakers in the combination of the professionals and the professors.
The conference starts on March 18th and ends on March 20th. Each evening will start at 5:30 p.m for the registration. Please arrive no later than 5:50 p.m to start the conference on time. Each industry will be discussed over 1 hour (to 1 hour and 30 minutes). On the closing day (March 20th), Professor Larry Smith will join us.
A meal will be provided to every attendee along with UW Economics Society clipboard, pen, and handouts from our speakers. These are included in your ticket price!
For a detailed schedule, please refer to our Facebook page (facebook.com/uweconsoc).
Tentative schedule is as followed:
5:30 - 6:00 Registration
6:00 - 7:30 Industry 1
7:30 - 8:00 Break
8:00 - 9:30 Industry 2
9:30 - 10:00 Networking Session
There are limited amount of tickets available at Early Bird price. Please purchase the ticket early!
We are proudly supported by AEF and Economis Department.