Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Info Sessions Today

Hi Econ Students,
There are 2 different information sessions today that you may be interested in 

1. Are you interested in a Masters or PHD in Economics? 

This is your opportunity to hear from our very own Economics Masters and PHD Students! They will tell you what the experience is like, the level of difficulty, and how it compares to their undergraduate studies. There will be a variety of students who came from Simon Fraser, University of Waterloo, Windsor, and York! Ask them your questions, and they'll be happy to answer them!

this Q&A period is: Today in HH 235 @ 5:00pm 

2. Also for those that are interested..
Professional Development Workshop for all Arts students!

What: Workshop on Personal Financial Planning Tips
Who: David Kohler - a part-time instructor at UW, and a full-time instructor at Conestoga College in the School of Business 
When: November 21 from 3:30-5:00 
Where: TC 2218A

There will also be information regarding the Post-grad Financial Planning program at conestoga.

Thanks, and hope to see you there!

Economics Society