Thursday, 17 October 2013

Should I go to grad school? And if so - which one?

Monday, October 28, 2013 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Professor Sen teachingThe Department of Economics and the Economics Society would like to invite current students to a graduate school presentation with Professor Anindya Sen.
During the presentation Professor Sen will discuss the "ins and outs" of grad school, including:
  • Grad school opportunities
  • Skills required for an MA and PhD
  • Admission requirements
  • Tuition costs
  • Co-op opportunities
  • Examples of post-graduate career opportunities
Light refreshments will be served.
AL - Arts Lecture Hall
Room 105
200 University Avenue West
WaterlooON N2L 3G1

So you want to be a star?

Economics Professor Larry delivers the next installment of his popular lecture series about entrepreneurship with a talk called, “So you want to be a star?”

Frustrated with watching students waste their talent in an increasingly competitive job market, Smith wants to inspire Waterloo students to become stars in whatever career they pursue. “What it means to be a star is that you have freedom; the freedom to do the work that you want to do . . . to choose an employer if that’s necessary,” says Smith. “Stars have choice. Commodities do not.”

Pre-register at the link below:

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Positions in Executive Team

Applications are due tomorrow (June 7th) no submissions will be considered after that date.

Below is a description of all the executive team positions with an indication of which are available and which are filled. If you are interested in applying for a position please e-mail us directly with your desired position. We will then contact you to set up a meeting/interview.

·       General overseeing
·       Keeping meetings on track
·       Knowing the projects of all members
Vp Finace
·       Handle budget
·       Work with ASU rep to ensure ASU accounting requirements are met
Vp Marketing
·       Update facebook
·       Update blog
·       Promote events
Vp Communications
·       Responsible for monitoring the econsoc email and alerting us to any necessary correspondence
·       E-mail from econsoc to the profs/students/department
Director Finance
(open in September)
·       Learn the responsibilities of the VP finance and help them with the completion of these duties
Director Marketing
·       Help Vp with promoting events and/or making event pages
Director Content
·       Accumulating content for facebook/blog through prof profiles, exam bank
·       Take notes at each meeting and e-mail them to the rest of execs
·       Attendance at meetings
ASU rep
·       Attend the asu meetings on behalf of ECON soc … if you cannot attend make sure there is someone to go in your place!
VP social
·       Organize social events
·       Provide information to marketing team to promote events
Vp academic
·       Organize academic events
·       Provide information to marketing team to promote events

All members are responsible for attending at least 75% of events and meetings,. Failure to complete responsibilities of a position or the attendance requirement will result in a warning, followed by termination.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Hi all,

For those of you taking summer classes, welcome back!
News for events taking place this term will be available shortly. We will also be recruiting new members of the exec team this semester. If you are interested in getting involved information about the available positions will be available by the end of the week (hopefully) at which point you can contact us directly for application to a specific position.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Welcome Back!

Econ Soc wished everyone a great semester and a happy new year!

We will be running events and recruiting new members for the executive this semester. More information to be coming soon!